

These Foods are Toxic…And Many Are Making You Fat!

If you are overweight, as so many people are these days,
don’t point a finger at the mirror and assign blame to
yourself. Yes, you’re ultimately the one who is in charge of
what goes into your mouth, but the food industry has been
selling the public a bill of goods that has us convinced that
“diet” foods are good for us when, in fact, they put us into a
toxic state. Did you know that the majority of “diet” foods
that contain fruits and vegetables (think breakfast cereal,
snack bars, puffed, processed veggie snacks, and other
so-called healthy items) often have added sugar or artificial
sweetener in them? In just a moment you’ll learn how
these contribute to toxicity and contribute to obesity.

Toxic foods aren’t poison in the sense that they will kill us
immediately when ingested, but they put our bodies into a
tailspin that leads to out of control eating, leading to obesity
that in turn increases our risk for heart disease and
stroke. If your daily diet is full of junk such as processed
meats, fried foods, and soda (especially the diet kind!)
then you are on the straight and narrow path toward an
unhealthy end.

Luckily, the body often heals itself perfectly when treated
to a pure, clean diet, and when you cut the junk and begin
feeding yourself on a cellular level, your health takes a
near-immediate turn for the better.
So…What are these foods that are making you fat, and why
is this happening?

Processed Meats
Diet Soda
Mercury-Dense Fish Species
Refined White Flour
Deep-Fried Foods
Dried Fruit
Cows’ Milk and Products Derived
From It
Whole Wheat Products
Low Fat Products
Soy Products
Canned Foods
Foods Packed with
Preservatives, Artificial Colors,
and Flavors
Breakfast Cereals


Why Red Smoothies

wreen smoothies are everywhere, and don’t get me wrong – they are fantastic! But with many of the green smoothie recipes available, you’re missing out on the power of red super fruits, and in many smoothies from different sources, you’re also missing out on some amazing super foods that provide your body with a real boost while adding incredible, exotic flavors you’ll find irresistible. Note that I have nothing against green smoothies – in fact, I recommend
them to my clients and have written extensivelyabout them! It’s just that when the focus is all on green, there are many nutrients that might not make it into your diet

On Awesome Reasons to Enjoy Red Smoothies
I skimmed a few benefits of red smoothies in the previous chapter, and you might already have some great reasons of your own to add to the ones I listed. Let’s take a closer look.

Your body has its own mechanisms for removing toxins, but overexposure causes a burden, slowing the detoxification process. By drinking red smoothies, you can give your body some help with detoxification, making it much easier
to eliminate the toxins that lead to weight gain and harm your wellbeing. Detoxification helps you live better and happier, and it can also help you live a longer life. How does this work? We’re always breathing air, drinking water and other beverages, and of course, eating our favorite foods. But what happens after the body extracts what it needs from the particles we ingest? Digestion results in even more waste. While this is a natural byproduct of the
digestive process, some waste is almost always left behind, and your toxic load increases. The powerful red super fruits and super foods provide fiber that sweeps your body clean, tones your digestive system, and eliminates built-up toxins along the way.
The red smoothies that you will be drinking consist of 100-percent raw ingredients, meaning that none of the nutrition has been broken down or altered in any way. These red smoothies are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory substances, pure water and so much more. They’re also packed with chlorophyll, which is a substance produced by plants, which is similar in structure to the hemoglobin your blood contains.3 In a sense, drinking red smoothies
is a bit like receiving a blood transfusion that completely refreshes your body.

Weight Loss
Did you know that simply losing between one-fifth and one-tenth of your current weight can lead to a whole host of health benefits? Scientific evidence points to a decrease in bad (LDL) cholesterol and an increase in good (HDL) cholesterol, a significant drop in triglycerides, and  a decrease in problems related to high blood pressure. The same amount of weight loss has a positive impact on diabetes, decreases insulin resistance, and improves sleep apnea.
Inflammation that leads to strokes and heart attacks drops with a weight loss of ten percent or higher. A staggering number of Americans are overweight, and
obesity is a problem that compounds other health problems. Even when we have just a few pounds to lose, we reap benefits by shedding the excess weight! If you are hoping to lose weight, you will not be disappointed by your newfound red smoothie habit. These delicious blends are so tasty that they seem like forbidden treats, but their high water content, fiber, and nutritious ingredients let you enjoy them in abundance while staying full, reducing the
cravings that accompany most weight loss plans, and feeling no sense of deprivation.


Why I created The 14 Day Red Smoothie Cleanse

As a naturopath and nutritionist, I make a point of eating
a clean, healthy diet filled with natural, organic foods. But
my diet hasn’t always been the best! In fact, obesity runs
in my family. In college, I ate constantly. I gnawed my way
through study sessions and stressful pre-exam jitters. I
gorged myself to celebrate good grades, and binged to
mourn bad ones.
My weight skyrocketed, making the average “freshman 15”
look like a drop in the bucket. When I went to the student
health clinic for a checkup at the beginning of my sophomore
year, I was obese. My doctor warned me to stop the
out-of-control eating or lose my life before it even had a
chance to really blossom.
                          Red Smoothie Detox Factor

All that happened about 20 years ago, back before America’s
obesity crisis was really out of hand. I was someone
unusual – a young woman with a serious weight problem
and lots of impending health issues to go along with it.
Now, I see that stressed, binge-prone girl in so many of my
patients, and my colleagues and I agree that this may be
the first generation to live shorter, unhealthier lives than
their parents.

Anyway, I digress. By the time spring break arrived a year
later (I was a junior) I was 30 pounds into the “obese” category.
I did well on my semester finals, but not well enough
to satisfy the perfectionist inside me; in fact, I lost my mind
and binged on everything in sight. During one memorable
binge session, I gorged on a huge pizza with loads of meat
and cheese. I downed cheesy garlic bread, along with buffalo
wings and the blue cheese dressing that came with
them. Then, I drank an entire two-liter bottle of diet soda.
In my craze, I thought that would somehow make things

The more I drank diet soda instead of having nourishing 
foods like the ones I’m about to introduce you to, the worse
I felt. In fact,the hungrier and more crazed with cravings I 
became! Although I looked and felt like a python that swallowed 
an entire goat, I was still hungry. I kept on eating. In 
the morning, I felt like I had survived the worst day of my life.

Yes, I’d survived, but things were about to get even worse. I
decided to go on a college-sponsored summer trip to Peru,
a place I’d always wanted to go. I was bursting out of my clothes.
My belly hung over the waistband of my jeans, making me feel 
beyond uncomfortable and causing me to struggle to breathe. 
As our group made its way along, it wasn’t the beautiful mountain 
scenery I noticed most; it was the fact that I had to pause and rest 
after a mere five minutes of walking.

My usual way to deal with this discomfort would have been
to find my favorite comfort foods and placate myself with
them. But instead, I had to settle for local foods. Suddenly,
I was immersed in a world of drinks made with ripe, red
fruit, all smelling and tasting of exotic spices that the Incas
and Spanish prized like gold. Sometimes light and refreshing,
sometimes rich and creamy, these drinks somehow
kept me going. Soon I noticed that I never felt hungry, even
though I was subsisting on a diet consisting almost entirely
of these local drinks! Click here to get the program instantly