

Why Red Smoothies

wreen smoothies are everywhere, and don’t get me wrong – they are fantastic! But with many of the green smoothie recipes available, you’re missing out on the power of red super fruits, and in many smoothies from different sources, you’re also missing out on some amazing super foods that provide your body with a real boost while adding incredible, exotic flavors you’ll find irresistible. Note that I have nothing against green smoothies – in fact, I recommend
them to my clients and have written extensivelyabout them! It’s just that when the focus is all on green, there are many nutrients that might not make it into your diet

On Awesome Reasons to Enjoy Red Smoothies
I skimmed a few benefits of red smoothies in the previous chapter, and you might already have some great reasons of your own to add to the ones I listed. Let’s take a closer look.

Your body has its own mechanisms for removing toxins, but overexposure causes a burden, slowing the detoxification process. By drinking red smoothies, you can give your body some help with detoxification, making it much easier
to eliminate the toxins that lead to weight gain and harm your wellbeing. Detoxification helps you live better and happier, and it can also help you live a longer life. How does this work? We’re always breathing air, drinking water and other beverages, and of course, eating our favorite foods. But what happens after the body extracts what it needs from the particles we ingest? Digestion results in even more waste. While this is a natural byproduct of the
digestive process, some waste is almost always left behind, and your toxic load increases. The powerful red super fruits and super foods provide fiber that sweeps your body clean, tones your digestive system, and eliminates built-up toxins along the way.
The red smoothies that you will be drinking consist of 100-percent raw ingredients, meaning that none of the nutrition has been broken down or altered in any way. These red smoothies are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory substances, pure water and so much more. They’re also packed with chlorophyll, which is a substance produced by plants, which is similar in structure to the hemoglobin your blood contains.3 In a sense, drinking red smoothies
is a bit like receiving a blood transfusion that completely refreshes your body.

Weight Loss
Did you know that simply losing between one-fifth and one-tenth of your current weight can lead to a whole host of health benefits? Scientific evidence points to a decrease in bad (LDL) cholesterol and an increase in good (HDL) cholesterol, a significant drop in triglycerides, and  a decrease in problems related to high blood pressure. The same amount of weight loss has a positive impact on diabetes, decreases insulin resistance, and improves sleep apnea.
Inflammation that leads to strokes and heart attacks drops with a weight loss of ten percent or higher. A staggering number of Americans are overweight, and
obesity is a problem that compounds other health problems. Even when we have just a few pounds to lose, we reap benefits by shedding the excess weight! If you are hoping to lose weight, you will not be disappointed by your newfound red smoothie habit. These delicious blends are so tasty that they seem like forbidden treats, but their high water content, fiber, and nutritious ingredients let you enjoy them in abundance while staying full, reducing the
cravings that accompany most weight loss plans, and feeling no sense of deprivation.

Improved Health
Think back to the time when you felt healthiest, and imagine yourself feeling that good – or even better – again. When you’re healthy, you feel as if you are bursting with energy. You look and feel vibrant, and life is wonderfully enjoyable. What’s the secret? Because red smoothies are filled with vital nutrients, consuming them on a regular basis leads to excellent energy levels and a vibrant, radiant look that people are likely to comment on. No matter what your age, you’ll look and feel better when you consume a diet high in
natural foods. Why? Despite the processed gunk that crowds our diet today, humans are designed to thrive on a diet that consists mostly of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. When we give our bodies the foods they are meant to eat rather than the ones manufacturers provide, our cellular structure flourishes so that good health shines from the inside out, the toxic load is eliminated, and suddenly we find ourselves looking and feeling amazing. When you start drinking red smoothies regularly, you will notice some changes, beginning with the way your skin looks and feels. Don’t be surprised if some of the “normal” signs of aging – wrinkles, spots, and tired eyes – clear up quickly. Your eyes will take on a whole new sparkle that reflects vibrant health!

Excellent Digestibility
Red smoothies are easy for your body to digest, and they are very easy to metabolize, so your body gets all the benefits of the ingredients they contain. Solid foods are harder for the body to digest and metabolize, so you may not be
getting all the nutrients they contain when you eat them. You will probably notice the smoothies beginning to do their work as soon as you begin drinking them – and this is because the nutrition they contain is so highly bioavailable!
Because the blender has masticated the smoothie ingredients into tiny pieces, your digestive system does not have to work as hard to extract nutrients. Once your smoothie reaches your small intestine, nutrients are absorbed and begin to undergo chemical changes that transform them into energy for your body to use.

Outstanding Hydration
You might be surprised to discover that proper hydration helps to ensure that your entire body functions properly. Your muscles, digestive system, brain, and even your immune system rely on good hydration to work properly. And some of the things we drink – even though they’re liquids – dehydrate, rather than hydrate the body! Alcohol, soda, and coffee are the primary culprits. Some other habits lead to dehydration too; smoking cigarettes and eating processed foods are two common ones that you’ll want to avoid at all costs.
Besides avoiding sources of dehydration and drinking lots of water each day, you’ll find red smoothies contribute to superior hydration, which helps keep everything moving smoothly and contributes to immediate feelings of good
health. Like many people, you are likely to feel a little overwhelmed by all the liquids at first, but keep on sipping. Your body will quickly figure out that it’s finally getting the moisture it has been missing, and the entire process of sipping will feel welcome and refreshing.

Better Digestion
Have you ever heard the term “SAD” applied as an acronym for the Standard American Diet? This shortcut is an appropriate one, because this diet, based on lots of processed foods, meat, dairy products, unhealthy fat, and salt leads
to a whole host of diseases, not to mention digestive woes ranging from heartburn to colitis to irritable bowel syndrome to acid reflux (to name just a few!). Red smoothies give your body a much-needed break from all of these substances, helping to clear the sludge from your intestines and colon and letting the body reset its delicate digestive balance.

Easy to Make
Red smoothies are so easy to make that you may wonder where they’ve been all your life! If you lead a busy lifestyle as so many of us do, then you will appreciate the five-minute prep time and quick cleanup. You can speed the process up even more by using frozen fruit, prepping your fruits in advance, or using greens that have been pre-washed.

There are 28 red smoothie recipes in this book, and many more are available online, from a variety of sites. You’ll also find other colorful recipes that will keep your taste buds engaged, meaning you’ll never get bored with your smoothie habit. There are so many wonderful combinations to try that you can easily enjoy something different each and every day, still without making a huge effort! Once you are comfortable with smoothies, you will probably find yourself making some new creations of your own!

Incredibly Delicious
I’ve mentioned this before, and it bears mentioning again. If for some reason you are still on the fence about undertaking this cleanse, it is definitely time for you to hop off and get started! For many people, it’s uncertainty about whether or not they will be able to stomach the smoothies’ flavors that holds them back. You can take it from me, a certified foodie, that there is absolutely nothing to fear in the taste department. Red smoothies are just amazing, with their rich, zingy flavors. Even children enjoy drinking them! Click here to order

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